Thomas Carmody Christmas Schools Scholarships and Santa’s Heart Are Open

The Thomas Carmody Christmas Performer School Scholarship applications are open 1/1/2023 –  3/31/2023 with an increased number of scholarships funded up to $250. Recipients will be announced prior to 4/30/2023.The Santa’s Heart Committee is being reformed and the program is re-established. Apply for Santa’s Heart with your charitable activities  1/2/2023 – 3/31/2023. Honorees will be announced by 4/15/2023 and…
Board App MC-Santa

Accepting 2023 Director Applications

It’s true – IBRBS needs people just like you to pitch in! Annually, IBRBS solicits the brightest and best volunteers to step up and run for the Board of Directors. While these challenging positions are staffed strictly by volunteers, the organization has been fortunate to attract truly qualified Christmas Performers who bring a lot of experience to…


Your IBRBS membership is about to expire, but renewing is easy and quick. In addition to being a member of the world’s largest organization of Santas, Mrs Clauses, spouses, and associates – now with over 2,000 members – renewing can provide you with the opportunity to apply for the best entertainer’s liability insurance and background checks…

ISC2024 Memphis FLASH #1

IBRBS is throwing a party!All members are invited to the ISC2024 Memphis, TN onApril 25-28, 2024 at the Renasant Convention Center in downtown Memphis,255 N Main St, Memphis, TN 38103You may have heard! IBRBS and the ISC2024 Memphis Committee are throwing another party! All members of the Christmas Performer community are invited to attend ISC2024…

2021-22 Christmas School Awardees Announced

The IBRBS Christmas School Scholarship program ran from 1/1/2022 through 3/31/2022. The 2022 grant awardees were announced at the ISC2022 Atlanta event, during a recognition dinner. Each may receive an up to $250 reimbursement toward the costs of attending their chosen classes. Grants were awarded to: Ben Belhorn, Joseph Eadie, Joey Gossett, Cathy Ann Kage,…
Ballot Box

Board of Directors Elects IBRBS Officers

At tonight’s regularly-scheduled IBRBS Board of Directors’ meeting, the Board exercised their collective authority under our Bylaws and elected the following people to serve as Officers for the two-year terms of office:President: Stephen Arnold (re-elected), Membership: Tom Carmody (re-elected), Secretary: Randy Dodds (re-elected), Events: Howard Graham (re-elected), Chief Technology Officer: Fred Lueck (re-elected), Governance: James…

IBRBS announces the ISC2024 Memphis

Friday night, April 29, 2022, at the ISC2022 Atlanta, we announced that we are bringing the Christmas Community to Memphis, TN. The ISC2024 Committee and its host organization, IBRBS, have selected Memphis as the place to be for the ISC2024.  While we are finalizing plans, this event will be held from April 25 to April…

ISC2022 Workshops Published

As of 3/16/2022, the ISC2022 workshop sessions have been posted and are ready for attendees to select their choices. Only one workshop is still to confirm, probably a music session on Saturday afternoon. A few general admission tickets are still available, so don’t wait.Go to the ISC2022 website to purchase tickets or view the workshops…

ISC2022 Atlanta Tickets on Sale

Yes, the ISC2022 Atlanta is only 70 days away and the schedule is coming back together. If you need to purchase a ticket or two, please visit the ISC2022 website soon as tickets will not last long. We are revising the workshop schedule and hope to release it for class selections about Feb 25, 2022.

Moving to our new home –

IBRBS has finished construction on our new home and we’re ready to move. The workmen and the van will take several hours to relocate the contents, so we’ll be down for part of this evening. After that, our new address will be, but like most who move, we’ve got address forwarding in place, so…