ISC2020 Atlanta Registration Rollover Program

The ISC2020 Atlanta committee announces the event Registration Rollover Program, the ISC2020 Merchandise Order Process, and the Event Refund Procedure. We thank you for your patience while we tirelessly analyzed the finances of the event and confirmed contracts and firmed expenses for the ISC2022 Atlanta, now rescheduled to 4/28-5-1-2022. ISC2022 REGISTRATION INFORMATION You may rollover…

Educational Scholarship Application 2020

Announcing Our Higher Education Scholarships! We have three $500 Education Scholarships to award. Your application needs to be received by Sept 30, 2020. The Application is an online form. Please carefully the instructions and make sure you are ready with all the information and have your items BEFORE you start. It must be totally completed…

ISC2020 Atlanta Rescheduled Sept. 3-5, 2020

ISC2020 NOW LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEP 3-5On behalf of the ISC Committee and the Board of Directors of IBRBS, we are happy to announce that, after weeks of negotiations, we have come to an amicable resolution with our partners at the Grand Hyatt in Atlanta. They have graciously waived our April contractual requirements, offering to…