Accepting 2024-27 Director Applications

It’s true – IBRBS needs good people just like you to roll up your sleeves and “get dirty”! Annually, IBRBS solicits the best and brightest volunteers to step up and run for open seats on your Board of Directors. While these challenging positions are staffed strictly by volunteers, the organization has been fortunate to attract truly qualified Christmas Performers who bring a lot of experience to the Board table, agreeing to serve for a three-year term.

Directors speak for you and your fellow members’ current needs and voice their desires about the future of the organization, trying to best represent you, and not have a personal agenda. As we continue to grow, we encourage you to become actively involved in helping steer IBRBS and its policies, procedures, and benefits, even if only at the Committee level.

Our motto, SUPPORTSHAREINSPIRE, embodies our goals for the organization and the Christmas Community. You can volunteer to help your fellow IBRBS members to achieve them. This is one of the reasons IBRBS has become the World’s Largest Organization of Professional Santas and Mrs Clauses, as well as a host of other Christmas performers and supporting spouses.

Please review the information page and link to the online application form and information on the IBRBS website and via the link In accordance with our Bylaws and beginning today, applications for positions on your Board of Directors with terms of office starting March 2024 through March 2027 must be submitted before November 15, 2023, for the February 15, 2024 election.

If you do not yet qualify there are other places for you to serve. Consider submitting a Volunteer Interests online form and becoming involved in preparation for future service with the IBRBS organization and to your fellow members.

Stephen Arnold, IBRBS President and Howard Graham, Chair

#Board of Directors
#Christmas Performers
#Santa and Mrs Claus